Lilian Lai has been a close friend and confidante for almost three and half years. I feel privileged and lucky have had the opportunity to get to know her in Kuala Lumpur. I think she is an outstanding counselor and one with genuine psychic ability. Lilian has helped me in some difficult and life-changing decisions, for example just two days ago before I left Malaysia, for my next job to Padang, West Sumatera in Indonesia, I had a 30 minutes session with her, because I was deeply uncertain and worried about whether I should be taking the job offer in Padang.
As usual, the advice from Lilian was focused insightful and straight forward. She said I had the experience and professional skills to give me a lot of career options, but that I always felt scared and lacking in confidence. She convinced me that my uncertainty was a clear signal that it was time for me to take some risks in order for me to build and grow a better future.
After listening to her, I suddenly realized that the job offer would not make me happy. At the same time, I knew what I wanted to do to achieve my next goal in my life. She gave me a push and the confidence to make a firm decision, and I decided to follow my instinct. I am now very happy. Thanks to her, I am proud of myself and the actions I have taken. I am no longer worried and my friends confirm what I feel: that I have regained my normal happy confident outlook on life.
Apart from her professional aspects, Lilian is a simple, positive, lovely, and happy person. For me, she is a valuable friend, sometimes like my older sister, mother and family all wrapped into one. I always appreciate her support and love.
For anyone who has problems or concerns about something in their life, I would like to recommend taking her consultation. It will help to clear and lighten up your thoughts and relieve your burdens.