Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TESTIMONIAL - TESTIMONY PART 2 from Madam PP (Petaling Jaya, Malaysia)

The difference between the old me and the new me...... Now I am strong enough to handle the overwhelming situation I was in which nearly brought me down the deepest hole.

I have conquered my demons. I have been broke, lied to, taken advantage of, cheated on, hungry and full.  My name has been dragged through the mud ever so liberally by the one who should have protected me and every time  I pick myself up and wash it off to continue this so called journey of life..

Not only am I still standing, I am thriving.  I have come a long way, and no one is going to hold me back anymore.

Whatever you are going through at this time in your life will pass.  The future is what matters while the present is the journey there. Learn from your past and work to defeat it, do not let it weigh you down.  Let it be that you are the person who emerged from it with help of course.

You can be amazing in your own way and no one can take that from you.  Live life and cherish it as I have done with much help from Master Lilian
That is to say that I am still an ardent follower of Master.  I have gone through The Physical Cleaning and Physical Blessing therapies with her which has led me to my current well being status.

God Bless

Madam PP

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