How a skeptic found solace in the strange universe of Master Lilian Lai
I lost my sanity as the construct of my morality, religion and everything good that I stood for was shattered when I discovered that my father was stealing a substantial sum of money from me and my family and left us in debt to fuel an affair with a woman that was not my mother. I did not know what to do and had worn out my circle of friends…until I met Lilian.
She calls it talking, but to me the consultations with Lilian are an awakening - the crucial insights that I got from Lilian regarding my energy signature and what was hidden were emotionally reviving and reconditioned my outlook in life. The specifics that Lilian gave had restored a sense of peace that I was desperately seeking and positively affirmed an inner power that was lost from the shock of a father’s betrayal.
To Lillian, I can’t thank you enough for being my beacon of hope.