not others
Life for me took a downward hill from the year 2005. Health issues, a broken heart due to husband's infidelities, financial constraints were some of the key issues affecting my life. I used to go all over the place looking for solutions to my predicament,.whilst some took me for a ride, there were others whose sole purpose was give me a whole lot of "bull crap", i said i was down and out but not stupid or without any sense of what is and what isnt. As it was, luck was not with me as from December 2008 till as late as June this year I was not able to meet up with Master Lilian. I used to spend a lot of time walking around Amcorp Mall, but never got a chance to meet Master. However things changed this October, when I chanced upon her at her shop on the 2nd floor whilst she was attending to some clients. That was the beginning of my current journey with Master Lilian. Boy was I very very happy 

to have met her.
The brief encounter with Master Lilian, opened my eyes and mind and was amazed at some of the things she was telling me. Due to my problems I was at a breaking point as for the past couple of years I was not able to have sound sleep and sleeping only for a couple of hours or not sleep at all, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and depression.
My first priority I told her was that I needed to sleep. She brought out the sleep well card. A "Sleep Well" card never heard that one before. After her demo on the other benefits of the Card, I decided to give my head a long needed rest by purchasing the Card. For the first time in many years I had a much needed sleep which woke me up early feeling fresh and ready to meet the challenges for the day. I carry it around with me wherever I go and keep it under my pillow when I go to sleep.
PS: Yesterday by chance I discovered how beneficial this "Card" really is. I had the flu and was feeling feverish. I decided to take the flu medicine, however on second thought I decided to place a glass of water on top of the card and later drank the water, after a while i began to feel better (usually I would be up most of the night blowing my nose and feeling uncomfortable and not able to sleep). I slept well without much trouble and in the morning I was beginning to feel feverish and the sign of a running nose again. However instead of reaching out for the medicine I repeated the water treatment and as the day is progressing I am feeling much better (usually i would take days to recover). I will continue to take the water treatment until I fully recover. Master Lilian
My 2nd therapy was the "9 day water treatment". It was a cleansing and healing process. I am more confident and calmer now. I know whatever happened is no fault of mine. My directions in life is much clearer now and my approach to things and people have more meaning too.
I also embarked on a "Moon Blessing" for my son to boost his career, enhance his relationship and to keep him safe. A remarkable change has come over my son.
To further enhance my relationship, career and protection I also bought the Career Allies Necklace silver chain which further added to my overall well being.
Though Master Lilian charges as one might say are expensive, consider what you are paying is nothing much when the end results speaks for itself.
My journey now will be only with Master Lilian, as I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, where it was dark before now at least I have hope that I can and will be alright as life goes on. Let me share this thought with you.
"The past traps us with regrets of things we cannot change, the future traps us in dreams. It is only our actions and our choices in the present that really matters."
with his
only way